Tuesday, October 2, 2007

If you get offended by this, you probably should because it's more likely than not directed towards you

Ok. i just got out of one of the worst classes I've been in in a long time. I have never been around such rude and insensitive people at one time. How dare you say you do not care that an actual person that goes to YOUR school got shot and killed. You don't have to know him. He was a person. A GOOD person. Contrary to what you may believe, he wasn't one of those people who got what he deserved. He wasn't a "thug" or "gangster". He was an educated young man who was striving for a better life JUST LIKE YOU. As a matter of fact, he may have been BETTER than you because he actually cared about people. He was involved in church groups, his fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi Inc., and he was a hard working student athlete.( And NO he wasn't from Orange Mound) A couple days before he died, he made a $40 dollar donation to a student organization here on YOUR campus to get his car washed. Have you ever paid $40 dollars to get your car washed? You dont even have to answer. HELL NO! So do not sit up here and say that that shit doesnt matter because it does. And if you think it doesnt, you need to check yourself. Because this shit is REAL. Let it be someone close to YOUR heart (if you can find one) and see how you react. I think you would care just a little. imagine one of YOUR friends being shot and killed. How do you feel? Imagine how his parents felt having to drive from Nashville to Memphis knowing their son has been killed in this fucked up city. To the guys, since you're so damn manly that you dont have feelings or emotions, do you think you are "manly" enough to be strong for your wife and deal with your son's death, and make a 3 hour drive at the same time? I kow I probably would have ended up in a ditch just trying to get here. Don't make dumb ass comments like that. Honestly that was the dumbest shit i ever heard. Some people really made themselves look like idiots. If you think I'm talking to you, you're probably right. And quite frankly, at this point I really dont care. Because the same thing could happen to you one day.Then you'll see. And PLEASE don't sit up there and think that it couldnt. Because you never know. Just like he didn't. And it doesnt have to be someone targeting you. Ever heard of crossfire? Ever heard of innocent people getting hit? You go to this school just like he did. He didn't know when his last day was. And you don't either. This should teach you to appreciate your own life! And the people in it. It never seems as real until it happens close to you. Don't say it doesn't matter. If it was your friend, would it matter then? Hell yeah. And if it doesn't, you dont need any fucking friends. You need to be a hermit, sit in your dorm room, dont go outside for fear of getting shot, and rot your life away. I dont think yall understand how many chairs I wanted to throw at people today. But I decided to shut up. I get mad when I have to argue stupidity. I probably would have cussed somebody out and walking out of class. But for future references, think about what you say before you say it. Because that mess was stupid. I don't care how you may try to defend it or cover it up, in the end, I'm still going to think it was dumb. Bottom Line.


. said...

I’m with you on the uncomfortableness of that class, Shari, and I’m really sorry you had to sit through it - I could see how much you were effected by it. The fact that some of our fellow human-beings are willing to kill is a hard enough fact to accept, but when you see someone so blatantly stating their lack of compassion for someone who has been killed it's hard to not be disgusted. I’m glad that you wrote this post (I imagine it wasn’t an easy thing to do) - I hope some people will change their attitudes after reading it.

cline said...

Please don't just skip over reading my comment because you think I'm going to try and defend an opinion you're against. I'm glad I got to read your opinion because you had a personal connection with him. Even though the vast majority of the class said they "didn't care", your reaction just goes to show what we'd all look like had someone we cared about been killed. I don't think you can say that even if you didn't know him, you'd be feeling the same way. I think you'd feel like the rest of us.

Poon said...

I was one of the people that were really nonchalant about the whole incident. That being because I had probably never heard of this guy before now. Is it rude to say that I don't care about this ? Yes, I think it is. But I really don't know what to think about the whole situation. Sure I would have been quite angry and detached about the situation had someone I known been shot. But still, what the hell am I supposed to do about it? I can feel sorry for you and everyone else that was close to him, but that still doesn't change my detached feelings towards Taylor Bradford's death.

I can feel remorse for the shameless violence that occurs so even so close to home. But think about when you heard about the Virginia Tech shootings. Did you really have some mission to change the way the world works or go out of your way to sympathize with the people who had losses from that incident? No, you didn't. Those were all innocent and probably good people in those classrooms, and that affected probably thousands of people. You probably didn't have too many feelings for that incident other that the remorse for such a violent act.

I'm extremely sorry about what you must be going through right now, but think about our position, I'm pretty sure the rest of the class has at least considered yours. So when I said, "I don't care" in class, that doesn't mean that I don't feel remorse for those that were connected to him. However, that doesn't change my attitude on the shootings.

I've been through way to many personal deaths in my family to be called insensitive. So here's my advice to you. When people don't care about a death of someone that was close to you, don't take it personal. Because until that person experiences the death of someone close to them (and they will), the cannot truly sympathize with you.

I'm not offended that you made this post. I'm actually happy. But I'd just like to point out that it still doesn't change my mindset on the shooting. Sure I bet he was a great guy and his death affected many people. But don't assume that people don't have feelings about death when it hits close to home.

I've had to watch my dad's brother and father both die of terminal cancer. It took them very slowly, and they both suffered. His brother almost broke a record for surviving liver cancer, which isn't anything to brag about of course. The thing is, we watched him die. My family watched as a disease slowly melted the figurehead of my dad's family in a period of three years. So don't tell me that I'm some person with no feelings. I've had to deal with death, and I suppose I've been a bit hardened by it so I know how to deal with it. Does that make me any worse of a person than you ?

Anyways, sorry for the shit you've had to deal with the past several days. But don't be so quick to assumed that people are lesser than you or Taylor Bradford just because we're not immediately connected to it. Death happens.

M0N!QU3 M!(H3LL3 M. said...

I like your post; you were honest to say the least.

All I can say is that you can not make everyone see everything the way you do. We are not all going to be sympathetic to the same things. For instance, if my dad died tomorrow, would you cry?? I would be absolutely devastated. You might think it to be a sad situation, but it would not affect you the same way.

Just like you were touched by Taylor's death since he was close to you. I was like "Damn" when I found out, but what could I do? I didn't know him at all. Only one of my friends knew him, Nic, and that's all. I am sympathetic of course, but I can not help the fact that his death is not one of the great tragedies in my life.

No I dont agree with statements made like "I don't care" or "It doesn't matter". It does matter, and we should care. But crime happens so much that we are not going to break down everytime we hear on the news that another "somebody" has been killed, unless it is someone close to us.

I understand your anger. I am not downing your blog. I just think that you got overly upset about something that doesn't matter---not Taylor's death, but others' reactions to it (which is something you can't control).

Ashley said...

hey, i understand how you felt. i dont know if you heard what i said that day, but i agree with you. i mentioned that i had met him before when he played football with my older stepbrother. he was really nice. i hated that the others said that shit too. i understand that since they did not know him, they had less reason to care, but they still should care. you're right, he was a part of the school, just like we are. they wouldnt want someone to say that they didnt care if it happened to them. people just have different feelings on things. but that doesnt mean that he was loved any less. I myself am from the Nashville area, about 30 minutes away, in a suburb town called Smyrna. i understand. i dont know if you read the blog i wrote about the incident, but you might want to. we have the same opinion.