Monday, October 1, 2007

My process for writing

When I first began writing my paper, I thought It was going to be a tought thing to do. For some reason, i did not know exactly how many pages 2000 were going to be, so i just wrote 3. I did word count and realized i had written HALF a paper! So I had to add 3 pages. Instead of adding 3 more pages to the end of my paper, I decided to add more informatiion INTO it. Thats when it got interesting. I was able to elaborate more on my thoughts and in the process, able to discover how deeply i felt about the issue. Thats when I began discovering things about myself.

As a writer I was able to get more comfortable with exppressing my feelings and thoughts on paper. The assignment was to DIG DEEP in the paper and discover the meaning, not just the actual essay alone. I enjoyed this aspect of the assignment. I also loved how we were told to put ourselves in the essay. It made it more comfortable and actually made the essay more enjoyable to write. I was not restricted as in the past from stating my personal opinions, beliefs, and feelings on the subject. I really enjoy this tyle of writing better than the expected "norm".

Aa a reader, I know that this assignment enhanced my abiltiy to analyze writing better and allowed me to see that authors just dont write to be writing. They write to express feelings and to prove a point. Their works always have a message, and if one would only actually take the time to READ them, instead of just looking at the words, one would get a better understanding of the actual message. I took the points that meant the most to me and elaborated on them. regardless of who felt I went off subject, i really felt i was right on point. I wrote about what I got out of the essay, So I felt i fulfilled the assignment. i would not change anything I wrote about it. I feel like everyone takes out certain things when they read, so that is what I got out of it. I really enjoyed reading the essay and it really meant a lot to me to be able to write my fersonal feelings about it. THANKS WENDY!

As a person, I felt good about myself writing this. It reminds me of what Wendy said in the very first class. I DO have a voice. i enjoyed using that voice on paper and writing how I felt. Students are not given that opportunity iften and I really appreciated that.

A far as what i would do differently next time...realize 2000 words isn't 3 pages!!!

1 comment:

MJM said...

isn't it great getting to actually put what you feel in your paper!! i just love it!