Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The Walk" Essay~Revised

As I walk, find myself stopping around the scent of coffee. For some reason, it makes me …..”comfortable”. I look outside, and I see a dark, gloomy place. Yet, I am inside in my bright, warm environment. I am not a fan of the rain at all, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. For some reason it puts me in a sad, depressing mood. The skies are dark, and therefore makes me feel dark inside.

I can compare this to where I am in my life right now. I am in my warm comfort zone. I am pursuing my education, having the time of my life. I can honestly say I am proud of myself for making in to college with good grades and happy that I decided to come to the University of Memphis. I realize more and more every day how much I have to be thankful for. I have met wonderful people and eagerly embracing new experiences. Sitting here reminds me of the times spent with my friends in high school. We were all very close and I really miss them. They all went to University of Tennessee at Chattanooga I absolutely refuse to go there, but I am glad to know that they are doing well.

Outside of where I am right now, is the “real world”. A shadowy place that I am happy I am not in right now. If I was not in school, that is where I feel like I would be. I would have to get a real job and deal with real world issues. If I was not in school, this is where I feel like I would be right now. Just in a dim world not knowing what to do or where to go. So for right now, I am happy where I am. Sitting on a bench at school. Surrounded by fellow students, faculty, and the scent of coffee. Periodically I glance outside and smile. I know there are some people my age out there, but I’m glad I’m not one of them.

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