Monday, September 10, 2007

Abercrombie & Bitch.....I mean, Fitch

Ok, after reading a few people's blogs, I kind of picked up the feel for this thing. Write about however you feel!! got it! So I'm going to write about my work experience at the most corrupt, and most profitable if I may add, retail business in America.
I got hired at abercombie in October 2006. And believe me, it was NOT because I earned it. I walked in the store with one of my friends who worked there and they asked ME did I want a job. I said yes. This happened on a Friday. They told me to show up at orientation that Sunday. Orientatiion???? What happened to the application? Or even the interview? Basically, I was hired off of my looks. And I'm not saying that to be concieted or anything, so before the idea forms that Im a stuck up, self centered bitch, let me explain. At Abercrombie, there are two teams you can apply for. Model or Impact. A models job is to look cute, have the "abercrombie" style (tight ass pants if you're a guy with a small tee, or short micro mini skirts and thin spaghetti strap shirts that are cut low in the front if you're a girl), and assist customers in the most friendly way as possible. Models also run the register and keep the store neat and perfect. The EASIEST job in the WORLD! I was a model. Impact on the other hand, was hectic and crazy! They had to maintain the stockroom and a whole bunch of other shit that I never learned because i didn't go back there. But I know it was hard. And basically they stayed in the back, away from the customers all day. So this is what I noticed. Pretty people got hired on the spot. With no regard to the thousands of applications they get from qualified people who have excellent work experience and references. I had neither!!! All I had walking in there was a mini skirt, silky hair, and a girly pink sweater. Should that be enough to get a job? Hell no. but at the time I was broke, so I took what I could get. So basically, I learned the system. See someone with style walking aroungd the mall, hire them. When you get desperate and need people to maintain and clean up your stockroom, THEN you pull up your never ending list of online applications and hire someone who probably knew how to deal with customers a thousand times better than I did when I first started. Especially considering how I opened the the fitting room door on 3 people when I first started. They also pay the least amount of money EVER. But charge a arm and a leg for their clothes that get holes after a couple of washings. That's why its the richest business in retail. And they scam people because they try to make it seem as if they are in competition with stores like Hollister, but they are both owned by the same people! They just have slighty different styles so people will pick a favorite, but in the end, the money goes to the same person. So basically the business is corrupt and evil...So why do i like their clothes so much?!

1 comment:

MJM said...

they do have cute clothes and cute workers usually. The picture of the guy with the jeans that they have in all the dressing rooms, male and female, completely cracks me up