Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Well, I have titled my blog confused for one simple reason. I'm so confused about what I am souppose to be writing about. I was really tring to figure it out in class, but obviously I did not get it. So I chose to write about my confusion. All I know is that we are suppose to blog everyday and I did not want to skip a day because I did not have a topic. So if anyone is reading this I urge you to feel free to help me out! It would be greatly appreciated! I just need to know what we are suppose to do exactly. I mean, do we just write about anything? If so, then its simple. It seems too simple to be correct. which is probably why I am so confused!


cline said...

For the first assignment, we were supposed to write 500-1000 words about the article we picked. (If you weren't here on that day we got to choose magazines from Mrs. Sumner-Winter's stash.) Through the course of our blog, we were to discuss tone, diction, voice, and structure as the author used them. Otherwise, we can do other entries about whatever we want. And there's a number of comments you're supposed to have....I'm not sure the exact comment on 3 peoples things..I think...

Poon said...
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Poon said...

Caroline said what I was saying hehe...! Hope she got to you soon enough!

Wendy said...

Certainly better than nothing. Thanks for trying. And thanks, Caroline, for filling her in!

MJM said...

I know, it's so hard to just come up with something out of anything!! Something so broad should seem easy, but im struggling as well

Anonymous said...

I've been looking around on They have some pretty interesting articles. Or blog about something that happened to you today. I think it can pretty much be anything as long as it's well-written.