Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Strangely enough I understood this article better than the other one. I had to look up the word Hashish first though. I found it was:
"Hashish (more commonly called hash) is a potent form of cannabis produced by collecting and processing the most potent material that female marijuana plants naturally generate as part of their growth cycle. " (yeah i had to look it up! So!)

So basically, the dude was high?! Is that what this was about?! It was interesting to read about his appetite too. Reminds me of some people I know! But the end was extremely interesting, yet somewhat puzzling. He compared hash to being in love. I understood some of it. The comparison of both things as a "power". They both posess the ability to have control of a person and opens that persons eyes to new things. They also can change a persons thinking, and perspective. So that was a very valid point. I would have never thought to compare these two things. he also related both things to nature. Hash is naturally from the earth. It is a part of nature. So is love. It is something that no one can control. It just happens.

He lso said how when we are in love, our existence slips. I guess in a way, i can easilty see how this is true. People can so easily get caught up in love, and it can end up to them being in a distorted world--and everything is connected to the person they are in love with. He desribes how we get caught up in this exixtence and everything seems so perfect. Then we are flung into existence without warnig. that piece of shit boyfriend proves what he is, or that girl turned out to be a slut after all. either way, its over. We are back in the real world. He compared that to coming off of his high I guess. THAT'S FUNNY! And its true i guess. I've never been high before, but I know people who have and they always complain about people messing up their high. So i guess it feels the same. You're on cloud nine, then you plummet back to earth. Ouch!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I enjoyed your post. I especially love your observations about how "existence slips." Nice phrase, huh?