Wednesday, October 10, 2007

THE RAKE: Scenes- Throwing the rake at his sister

I think the scene when he threw the rake and hit his sister was one of the most important scenes in the story. the brother, obviously did not have intentions on hurting his sister, but it was done out of frustration. I feel like the sister knew this because she did not tell on her brother. They both remained silent and knew he was sorry. The thing I noticed most from this was the brother-sister relationship because my brother and I are very close. The brother and sister in the story were both in the abusive situation so they were more than likely understanding of each others feelings.m i do not think the brother actually thought about throwing the rake and hurting her before he did it, but many times in life, your feelings get the best of you. You do things before you can even realize you've done them. By that time, it is too late, and the damage has already been done. The only thing you can do apologize and mean it.

My brother and I have done evil things to each other MANY times, but we still remain very close. When we were small, we woiuld always get into trouble together, nut when my mom asked, he would always sayu it was just him; he would never tell on me. Yet, when she asked me, I would never tell on myself! i always put the blame on him. And it has, been that way ever since. he has me spoiled rotten and I will tell him things I dont even tell my mom. As a matter of fact, we have SO many inside things between us, my mom gets mad because we don't tell her. She once said, "Man, yall ALWAYS keep stuff from me. Yall have done that since yall were little!" and put her sad face on. We just laughed at her. Its only my brother and I and i'm glad. I feel like I always have someone there to protect me and a best friend to talk to. I also remember how when we were younger, he beat up guys that picked on me! Now that I think about it, its kind of funny. But my mom has always told him, "never let anyone pick on your sister. Yall gotta stick together". And that's exactly what we do. I didnt let the stupid girls my brother dated talk bad about him when they felt like he messed up. " Accept the fact that he doesn't like you!" that was my motto. he's also the reason I like football and video games!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Good job. Remember to proof read your work, though.